Quinn Cummings
Quinn Cummings is an Oscar-nominated actress (The Goodbye Girl) and the critically acclaimed author of Notes From The Underwire, Pet Sounds, and The Year of Learning Dangerously.
She created the seminal blog, The QC Report which evolved into the highly regarded “A Small Story” appearing regularly on Twitter. Quinn also hosts a podcast, Quinn Cummings Gives Bad Advice, now in its second season. Her writing has appeared in Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, Time, Alta Journal, Good Housekeeping, Los Angeles Magazine, and The Huffington Post. She lives in Los Angeles with her family and an assortment of pets.
Connect With Quinn
For the past few years, truly generous people have allowed me to write jokes, toss barbs, create nicknames, generally afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted. I can put together a respectable cocktail, give out Bad Advice, mix it up with a bully and, at least three times a week, I offer up a Small Story – all of which seem to bring some folks pleasure.
Quinn Cummings knows very little. This has never stopped her from giving advice. In each episode of Quinn Cummings Gives Bad Advice, Quinn boldly tries to solve problems that really should be handled by far more qualified people
Social Media
For almost a decade, Quinn has used Social Media to stir up a bunch of shit. Her Twitter feed is not for the faint of heart — or the slight of brain. But it is funny. With each post she eviscerates the privileged clowns, craven thugs and flag-waving hucksters who populate the modern political landscape. “My job is to find a way to laugh at these numbskulls on a regular basis,” she says. “Otherwise, we’re forced to consider our world in their terms.”